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Compounds manufactured for use as medicinal drugs, this includes over the counter (OTC) medications.

Most often pharmaceutical microbiology focuses on identifying the “presence of bacteria, yeasts, moulds, viruses and toxins in pharmaceutical raw materials, intermediates, products and pharmaceutical production environments.”(1) Both the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and International Standards Organization (ISO) have standards set forth to measure the presence of these organisms.

Because they are specific to drugs used in medicine, pharmaceuticals are highly reserved for use in hospitals and medical research. Nevertheless, pharmaceuticals have an extensive reach across the healthcare industry and insurance policies. Designing new pharmaceuticals requires a degree in pharmacology, manufacturers for production, consultants for validation and quality assurance, and physicians for use. MicroBio consultants assist with the FDA and ISO approval of pharmaceuticals to ensure their safety in patient use. 

Depending on where pharmaceuticals are in their lifecycle, they are developed and used in research laboratories, testing facilities, hospitals, and local pharmacies. The extensive reach of pharmaceuticals spans globally, especially in well-established medical care systems. 

Pharmaceuticals is a rapidly growing field, which can pose inherent benefits and risks to economic stability and patient safety. Economically, pharmaceuticals are a large part of medical innovation and revenue. With the heavy amount of regulation that goes into pharmaceutical testing it can slow the process by which new and innovative technologies are applied, but this process ensures patient safety. For example, biotechnology and nanotechnology have revolutionized drug-delivery systems, which has allowed for targeted drug delivery and less complications with patient use. MicroBio is excited to help you bring new and safe pharmaceuticals to light, especially among the COVID-19 pandemic. (2)

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