4707 Highway 61 N, Suite 250, White Bear Lake, MN 55110

The application of scientific principles and techniques to matters of criminal justice especially as relating to the collection, examination, and analysis of physical evidence.(6)
According to The United States Department of Justice website, different forensic science laboratory analysis methods include: “forensic molecular biology (DNA), forensic chemistry, trace evidence examination (hairs and fibers, paints and polymers, glass, soil, etc.), latent fingerprint examination, firearms and toolmarks examination, handwriting analysis, fire and explosives examinations, forensic toxicology, and digital evidence.” Overall, forensic science utilizes other various branches of science with the goal of identifying perpetrators of crime.(2,3)
Forensic science is the use of various scientific methods for criminal justice purpose. The application of forensic science in identification is not new, as the use of fingerprinting can be traced back to ancient China. Over the years, forensic science evolved from its sole use in fingerprinting for identification to the current complexities for its use in law enforcement. The progression of technology in this field allows for the ability to identify more and more crimes deemed unsolvable merely decades ago.(1) With that being said, it is of the utmost importance to ensure this technology is both accurate and precise to prevent wrongful convictions. MicroBio Consulting works to better understand the field of forensic science with the goal of protecting the general public through precise and accurate forensic technology.
Forensic science technology is developed both through governmental agencies and through independent research labs in order to advance the field of forensic science such as the United States Department of Justice or the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes.(4)
Forensic science research is heavily funded by the U.S. National Institute of Justice through grants.(4) Researchers looking to develop new technology in this field need consultants to ensure the validation of the product or methodology. For example, new forensic DNA methods must go through validation studies to ensure validity.(5) Sterility of these products ensures extraneous DNA is not present to conflict with the results of the test. Our team can assist in coordinating validation studies for the relevant product or methodology in order to ensure they are efficacious and meet sterility requirements.
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