4707 Highway 61 N, Suite 250, White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Modelling of cellular interactions in mixed murine organoids
Tue, Apr 26
Learning Objectives - Identify generation of mixed murine organoids and enteroid monolayers - Discuss the use of (time-lapse) microscopy to follow cellular behavior - Discover insight in the role of cell competition in tumor growth

Time & Location
Apr 26, 2022, 7:00 AM PDT
About the event
Cell competition is a mechanism of interaction that dictates cell selection based on differences in cellular fitness. We developed a model of mixed murine organoids and enteroid monolayers to study such complex cellular interactions in a mammalian system. We combined this model with (time-lapse) microscopy and transcriptome analysis to show that cell competition drives growth of cancer cells by active out-competition of wild-type cells through forced cell death and cell-state change in a JNK-dependent manner.